vendredi 12 septembre 2014

School Organisation

This year I'm going in " seconde " ( it's the equivalent of the 10th grade in the UK and the year 11 in US I think ) so it's quite a big change for me : new school , new friends ( ?) , new teachers ,and ... new school organisation ! So I tough that I could show you how I'm going to organise myself this year so that you could have some ideas ;)

Last year, the teacher used to give us a list of furnitures for the year, so i just have to follo this list, but this year there's no list so i have to do it myself (but with the advice of my sister). I used to have a copy book for each school subjet , and I take an other one if its end in the middle of the year . But i changed it because i've never liked when in the middle of the year your bag is SO heavy because your books are full.

So like the most of the "new student of the high school " I'm going to take a "trieur " ( What is the word in English  ?? ) , you probably know what it is but if you don't, it's like a wallet ( I don't know if it's the right word... I mean " pochette" ) with like inserts ( Is it the right word ? Again, I don't know, I wanted to say " intercalaires " ). Well, to go with it, I'm going to take a sheet book, and to put them in my "trieur" at the end of a class. BUT I don't want that the same thing happen: no heavy bag in the middle of the year ! So at home, I'm going to have a folder for each subject, and when I finish a chapter I will put my sheets in it ( I prefer to wait to finish a chapter to put it in it , then to put it every night because if I have a study hour, I will have the chapter that we study with me to begin my homeworks... )

But it's never that simple with me, I'm also going to take copy books , but only for specific subjects : Languages ( or do we say speaking ? ) . I prefer to  have copybooks for languages because I like to have all the year with me , because I )ways have to see again the vocabulary ... 

So that's it for "taking note things" ....

In my pencil case there's nothing original ... I have the basic things, but I'm also going to take , A LOT , of colored pencils and highlighters , cause I'm going to try to do a lot of colors in my books , so maybe it will be easier for me to learn it after. It's the first time I do that , because in the high school we wasn't allowed to have lots of colored so I hope it will work.

I'm going to stop there for today , but maybe I will do another post about the little things that I do to help me to learn , like DIY as it .

And you in what class would be you the year which comes ? what are you using ? Do you know the translation of , " pochette " and " interclaires " ?

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